Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost


Autor: Antonela Bijažić
INVITATION! 31 July, Webinar Building...
This is our last Era Talent event before summer holidays - Wed, 31st July, 13.30-15.00 CEST. You may spread the invitation to those who might be interested in using this opportunity to improve their knowledge and awareness on how to build their confidence. REGISTRATION is available at the event page  https://www.euraxess.bg/bulgaria/events/building-confidence During the webinar the following points will be touched: Reasons for low confidence What leads to low confidence? Identifying the causes of confidence issues Confidence and self-awareness Confidence and leadership What would great confidence mean for you? Building your confidence Maintaining your confidence Resilience  

Invitation to the postdoctoral...
The 2025 call is funded by FSR funds and will allow to award  15 post-doctoral 3 years-fellowships. Applications (maximum 1 proposal per supervisor) must be submitted electronically to the UCLouvain Research Administration ( crec-adre@uclouvain.be ) by  Tuesday 1 October 2024 at 9am at the latest .

INVIVITATION! 16 July, Topic: Webinar...
REGISTRATION:  https://www.euraxess.bg/bulgaria/events/intercultural-competence-culture-laughs The aim  of the webinar is for participants to: Engage in  reflecting on their own experiences  of working or living in another culture Explore the intercultural encounters  they have been part of Discuss strategies  useful in overcoming cultural barriers in daily life and at their workplace.

Presentation of REBECA Practice tool:...
Presentation of REBECA Practice tool: Invitation to you and researchers in your network We would like to invite you to the presentation of a new EURAXESS tool designed to support career exploration. Are you interested in preparing demos as a Field Application Specialist? Would you see yourself reporting adverse cases during a clinical trial? There’s no better way to learn than by trying it out yourself. This tool will not only help you explore, but also experience some of the tasks that various R&I professionals perform in their daily jobs at 7 different professions. Come and discover how this tool can support your career decision-making. WHEN: 20 th  of June, 11:00 WHERE: online. HOW: register here and you will receive the link to the event:  https://www.euraxess.es/spain/events/rebeca-practice-presentation-new-tool-discover-careers-practicing This tool has been supported by the EU ERA Talent project.

Autor: Antonela Bijažić
MSCA Experiences in the UK webinar
MSCA Experiences in the UK webinar on 27 June 10-11.30 UK time (11-12.30 CET)  This will be especially useful for international researchers interested in coming to the UK with MSCA. This webinar will focus on MSCA in the UK. It will look at individual's experiences, as an MSCA PhD student or an MSCA fellow in the UK. As well as provide an overview of the current UK situation and highlight opportunities as a result of the decision for the UK to associate with Horizon Europe. There will be the opportunity to ask questions of the panel. Panel members include Quentin Loisel, Chair of the United Kingdom Chapter of Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA). Plus current MSCA recipients and recent alumni. Please find more details and register for the webinar here:  https://www.euraxess.org.uk/united-kingdom/events/marie-sklodowska-curi… ;

Autor: Antonela Bijažić
UNIPU na EURAXESS Biennial Conference...
Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli sudjelovalo je u obilježavanju 20. godišnjice Euraxess-a i na bienalnoj konferenciji u Katowicama, EU Gradu znanosti 2024.  od 10. do 12. lipnja. Kao član ove globalne mreže i nositelj HRS4R certifikata, Sveučilište je počašćeno što je bilo jedno od tri hrvatska predstavnika. Događaj je okupio svih 43 zemalja članica Euraxess Europe, kao i 9 Euraxess Hubova sa ostalih kontinenata. Za nase Sveučiliste predstavnik je bila kontakt tocka za UNIPU Euraxess Centar - doc. dr. sc. Rozana Veselica Celić. Sudjelovanje je organizirano i financirano od strane Europske unije.    

Autor: Antonela Bijažić
EURAXESS Biennial Conference 2024 –...
EURAXESS is organizing its   Biennial Conference   at the Silesian Museum in Katowice, Poland, in a hybrid format,   from 10 to 12 June  . The event brings together   national EURAXESS representatives   to strengthen the cohesion of the network, give visibility to its results and further discuss how to improve the attractiveness of the research profession and careers. The themes of this year's edition will be the celebration of the   20th anniversary of EURAXESS  , the launch of the new EURAXESS website and the launch of the “ERA TALENT PLATFORM”.

INVITATION! Webinar on “Academic...
We kindly ask you to invite your researchers to join our next webinar  “Academic Teaching Methods”! The event will take place online, on June 20 at 13.30 CEST /Brussels time   More about the event and the REGISTRATION are available at  https://www.euraxess.bg/bulgaria/events/academic-teaching-methods  

ESOF and European Talent Fair 2024...
this year's 11th edition of the EuroScience Open Forum takes place in Poland, Katowice, on 12th to 15th June, directly after our Biennial Conference . ESOF2024 is one of the most significant international conferences, having impact on science and world transformation. During the event, scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians, journalists and inhabitants are going to discuss the latest scientific achievements, the arts and their impact on society. The participation in ESOF2024  is free of charge! In addition, as part of ESOF, on  June 13th the European Talent Fair  will provide space for  young people interested a research career and developing their professional skills.  The event aims to bring together students, early career researchers, scholars, start-ups, industry and investors to promote young people’s talent and job opportunities in the research sector across the EU. The event will also feature a presentation of the  ERA Talent Platform, a  new pan-European platform dedicated to research talents and career development.     More info & registration links: ESOF2024: EuroScience Open Forum | Katowice, Poland EU Talent Fair (esof.eu)

Autor: Antonela Bijažić
Senior Fellowship Programme for...
The College for Social Sciences and Humanities operated by the German University of Duisburg-Essen calls for applications for its international Senior Fellowship Programme. Until 10 June 2024 , leading international researchers (R4) in the social sciences and humanities are welcome to apply for research fellowships starting in March or   September 2025. Senior Fellows have the opportunity to work on independent research projects at the College in Essen with tandem partners from the University Alliance Ruhr over the course of six months.

2024 Invitation to the postdoctoral candidates interested in applying to the  Horizon Europe MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships   HORIZON-MSCA-2024-PF  call with the  University catholique de Louvain  (UCLouvain), Belgium. The UCLouvain shall be delighted to support the postdoctoral researchers wishing to apply for a MSCA European PF at UCLouvain as  future host institution :   * Are you looking to expand your research horizon?   * Do you want to improve your career prospects?   * Do you want to join a vibrant and stimulating research environment? UCLouvain gladly welcomes experienced researchers from all over the world and offers great opportunities of collaboration. We are interested in working with postdoctoral candidates who already have a strong publication record and complementary research agenda. We are organising a  face-to-face  Master Class   on 30 and 31 May 2024  aiming at helping applicants make their Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) proposal more competitive. It is  primarily intended for MSCA-PF applicants with  UCLouvain  as host institution .

Autor: Antonela Bijažić
PF2MT masterclass and host offers
Postdoctoral Fellowship Training Scheme for Incoming Postdocs to Malta (PF2MT)  supports travel and accommodation expenses for experienced researchers willing to submit a proposal with Maltese entity host for the  MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship call  with deadline the 11th September 2024 (MSCA-PF-2024). The support will be in the form of a lump sum grant and it is for the participation of the researchers in the one-day MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship training that will be held on  26 th  and 27 th  June  in Malta. Researchers, from any nationality and any age, that meet the eligibility and mobility conditions, may apply through this scheme.  The host offers from Malta can be accessed from  here .

Vjesnik MSCA - EURAXESS – Zajednički...
Poštovani,  ovim putem dostavljamo Vam aktualne informacije vezane uz djelovanja Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA), inicijativu EURAXESS, Zajednički istraživački centar (JRC) i ostale obavijesti vezane uz program Obzor Europa za koje smatramo da bi Vam mogle biti zanimljive. Za više informacija o programu Obzor Europa posjetite nacionalni portal  www.obzoreuropa.hr. Za više informacija o inicijativi EURAXESS posjetite nacionalni portal  https://www.euraxess.hr/ . Ugostite dolazne istraživače putem MSCA Postdoktorskih stipendija   Pozivamo sve zainteresirane hrvatske organizacije i potencijalne mentore koji žele ugostiti istraživača putem MSCA Postdoktorskih stipendija da nam se obrate za dodatnu diseminaciju iskaza interesa putem naših međunarodnih kontakata i društvenih mreža te stojimo na raspolaganju za dodatne informacije .   Otvaranje nadolazećeg MSCA natječaja za Postdoktorske stipendije planirano je za 23. travnja 2024. godine.

23 ESR open vacancies at 7 University...
The University of Maribor has published the  2024 Public Call for Early-Stage Researcher Candidates  and is looking for motivated young researchers to join our university under the supervision of excellent supervisors. We offer 23 vacancies for Early-Stage Researcher Candidates at 7 Faculties of the University of Maribor:  Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  (7),  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  (7),  Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering  (4),  Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics  (1),  Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences  (1),  Faculty of Organizational Sciences  (1) and  Faculty of Arts  (2) to conclude fixed-term employment contracts on full-time basis amounting to 40 hours a week, for the training period.

ERA Talent project team is glad to...
First of all thanks for spreading the information among companies and NGOs! Without your help the program would not be successful!   The ERA Talent team now announces  opening the call for refugee and displaced researchers!  The funding for the first published jobs will start after evaluation and ranking of the researchers’ applications. Registration of companies and publishing of new job offers will continue until the financial resource is finished!  Please, continue spreading the invitation to companies and NGOs to join! They may consult the  FAQ section  and see a copy of the 3-sides contract.  https://internship.euraxess.bg/faq-questions-top

WS for Researchers on Emotional...
We are pleased to inform you about an online EURAXESS training for researchers dedicated to the wellbeing, titled: “ Taking the reins of your emotional wellbeing ”. Taken place the  14 th  of March. 10:00-13:00 https://www.euraxess.es/spain/events/workshop-stress-management-and-emo…

ERA Talent project webinar...
On behalf of the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal, I am pleased to announce the webinar “Creativity in Problem Solving and Decision Making” that will take place within the Euraxess Entrepreneur Leadership Academy/ERA Talent project  on the 14 th  of march, 2024 at 16.00 hours CET.

ERA TALENT Project Survey on the...
ERA TALENT Project Survey on the inventory of local and regional initiatives to address the negative effects of brain drain S urvey link:   https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/056ec499-206d-cd96-05d6-20a1b483bb84 Introduction Concrete examples of initiatives might include talent circulation strategies at various levels, policy tools, collaborations and networks, funding programmes, services and activities targeting returning researchers, alumni and diaspora researchers, networking activities etc.

Invitation: Advanced Seminar for...
we would like to invite you to the webinar  "Orientation and Self Assessment of Researchers – Advanced Seminar for EURAXESS staff" . Date: 6 March 2024 Time: 13:30 to 15:00 CET Zoom Link:  https://zoom.us/j/97195695733 Based on the basic webinar on orientation and self assessment of researchers, we would like to explore tools and materials available on the EURAXESS Career Development section, which helps researchers to guide them through their professional path. In this webinar we would like to  focus on the EURAXESS Career Development Plan  as well as the  importance of EURAXESS tools for early career researchers in search of interesting jobs in non-academic sectors . For  more details  please visit the event page:  https://www.euraxess.at/austria/events/orientation-and-self-assessment-researchers-advanced-seminar-euraxess-staff This webinar is dedicated to share experiences and best practices for supporting researchers’ career and is suitable for both newcomer and experienced staff.

Autor: Rozana Veselica Celić
Webinar for EURAXESS Career...
Please register:  https://www.euraxess.gr/greece/events/webinar-euraxess-career-developme… Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81423688354?pwd=MkdUVkpldUxxbkEvNytGaHZIblJkZz09 Details Date & Duration Wednesday, 25 October 2023, 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm (Central European Time -C.E.T.) Agenda

Autor: Rozana Veselica Celić
EK informativni dan: MSCA zelena povelja
EK informativni dan: MSCA zelena povelja – vodič i praktične ideje za provedbu projekata na održiv način, online, 17. listopada 2023.Europska komisija organizira informativnu sesiju posvećenu MSCA zelenoj povelji, koja će se održati 17. listopada 2023. od 13:00 do 14:30 sati, u online obliku.  MSCA Zelena povelja pruža smjernice za provođenje financiranih MSCA projekata na održivi način.

Autor: Rozana Veselica Celić
Otvoren je natječaj za MSCA COFUND za...
Otvoren je poziv na natječaj za dostavu COFUND projektnih prijedloga za 2023. godinu u okviru djelovanja Marie Sklodowska-Curie.  Natječaj je otvoren do 8. veljače 2024. godine.  U okviru natječaja izdvojeno je  96,6 milijuna eura. MSCA COFUND  omogućava sufinanciranje regionalnih, nacionalnih i međunarodnih novih ili postojećih doktorskih i postdoktorskih programa s ciljem širenja MSCA načela na institucionalnu razinu, s posebnim naglaskom na unapređenje potencijala i karijera istraživača.  

Autor: Rozana Veselica Celić
Potpora pisanju projektnog prijedloga...
Doktorske mreže su konzorcijski projekti sastavljeni od sveučilišta, istraživačkih i znanstvenih centara, pripadnika neakademskog sektora s ciljem osposobljavanja nove generacije doktorskih studenata. Ovogodišnji natječaj otvoren je do  28. studenog 2023. te je izdvojeno 434,8 milijuna eura.  

Autor: Rozana Veselica Celić
Poziv na nacionalni informativni dan...
Razmjena osoblja i Zajednički istraživački centar, 19. listopada 2023. Zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati vas na Nacionalni informativni dan  MSCA Razmjena osoblja  i  Zajedničkog istraživačkog centra , koji će se održati  19. listopada 2023. od 9:30 do 14:30 sati, putem ZOOM platforme . Informativni dan će se održati na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Dostupan je preliminarni  program.  

Autor: Rozana Veselica Celić
Poziv za informativni dan MSCA...
Poštovane/i, s ciljem upoznavanja sudionika s novim pravilima natječaja te mogućnostima za postdoktorske istraživače, Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU organizira promociju otvorenog natječaja djelovanja Marie Skłodowska – Curie za Postdoktorske stipendije. Pozvaju na online informativni dan MSCA Postdoktorskih stipendija, koji će se održati u petak  19. svibnja 2023. od 10 do 13:15 sati putem Zoom platforme . Dostupan je  preliminarni program  informativnog dana.

Invitation to research at the...
The  University of Jaén  will be delighted to help post-doctoral applicants that are willing apply for MSCA-PF 2023 funding in order to develop their research career with us.Horizon Europe MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships offer successful applicants a full-time contract with a highly competitive salary to work on a research project and enjoy advanced training.

Calls for Expression of Interest –...
Calls for Expression of Interest – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 (MSCA-PF) Calls for postdoctoral candidates on topics proposed by academic researchers from Brittany (France) The European Projects Platform (2PE) – Bretagne  initiated an original action towards potential candidates for the  MSCA Postdoctoral fellowships  (MSCA-PF). This action aims to  increase chances of success for motivated fellows  by offering dedicated support from both scientific and technical staff to write an excellent research and training project.

2023 Invitation to the postdoctoral...
The UCLouvain shall be delighted to support the postdoctoral researchers wishing to apply for a MSCA European PF at UCLouvain as  future host institution :   * Are you looking to expand your research horizon?   * Do you want to improve your career prospects?   * Do you want to join a vibrant and stimulating research environment? UCLouvain gladly welcomes experienced researchers from all over the world and offers great opportunities of collaboration.

Autor: Rozana Veselica Celić
Call for registration Digital ERA...
We are excited to announce the registration opening for our upcoming Think-Tank initiative ( Digital Era Talent Platform forum ) on the future Digital Era Talent Platform features. The Think-Tank will produce the portal requirements whitepaper focusing on European Skills, Competences Qualifications and Occupations, ERC panels descriptors, EURES and the new Europass interoperability and others.   As a participant in the Think-Tank initiative, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with other EURAXESS colleagues, explore the platform facilities, and help shape its development.We seek individuals passionate about  digital transformations  to join us in defining the technical requirements for the future Digital Era Talent Platform.  

Getting ready for MSCA Postdoctoral...
The University of Maribor (UM) shall be delighted to support the postdoctoral researchers wishing to apply for the *Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 call. They look forward to receiving your complete pre-proposals project until 30 April 2023.Please, do not hesitate to contact them at  euraxess.um@um.si  for organisational questions and the supervisor's email for further research questions. Also, please contact our Euraxess LCP Rozana Veselica Celić for further informations and documents.

Autor: Rozana Veselica Celić
PF2MT – MSCA PF 2023 – Malta welcomes...
Postdoctoral Fellowship Training Scheme for Incoming Postdocs to Malta (PF2MT)  supports travel and accommodation expenses for experienced researchers willing to submit a proposal with Maltese entity host for the  MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship call  with deadline the 13th September 2023 (MSCA-PF-2023).

Autor: Rozana Veselica Celić
PRIDE Training Course + Annual...
Dear colleagues, the “PRIDE Network - Association for Professionals in Doctoral Education” would like to invite you to the “Annual Conference” and “Training Course” 2023 on the topic of Research Culture and Research Integrity at the University of Porto. 2 & 3 May 2023 – Training at the University of Porto |  Research Integrity in Doctoral Education:  https://pride-network.eu/training-2023/  

Autor: Dominik Tomislav Vladić
Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli...
Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli,  Zagrebačka 30, Pula, raspisuje NATJEČAJ 1.       Filozofski fakultet za izbor jednog zaposlenika/zaposlenice na suradničko radno mjesto I. vrste – viši asistent iz područja Humanističkih znanosti, polje Filologija, grana kroatistika (za staroslavenske i jezičnopovijesne kolegije) na određeno vrijeme s punim radnim vremenom; 2.       Muzička akademija za izbor jednog zaposlenika/zaposlenice na umjetničko-nastavno radno mjesto I. vrste - docent u umjetničkom području Glazbena umjetnost, polje Izvođenje glazbe, grana Pjevanje za predmet Pjevanje, na neodređeno s punim radnim vremenom;

Autor: Ivica Petrinić
Održan nacionalni sastanak EURAXESS...
Sastanku nacionalne EURAXESS mreže održan je virtualno 17. prosinca 2021. godine. Tom su prilikom predstavljene aktivnosti provedene u tekućoj 2021. godini, nove informacije vezane uz budućnost EURAXESS inicijative te Istraživanje o dostupnim uslugama karijernog savjetovanja na visokim učilištima i znanstvenim institucijama u RH. Predstavljen je i sveobuhvatan dokument koji služi kao svojevrsni vodič kroz HRS4R proceduru i promociju Povelje i Kodeksa, a koji je proizašao kao rezultat jednog od projektnih zadataka TOP IV projekta. Tom su prilikom članovi mreže podijelili iskustva u radu u i izazove u protekloj godini.

Analiza karijernog savjetovanja na...
Odjel za EURAXESS i horizontalna područja Okvirnih programa EU, Agencije za mobilnost i programe Europske unije pokrenuo je u prosincu 2020. godine istraživanje o uslugama karijernog savjetovanja na visokim učilištima i znanstvenim institucijama u RH te radu karijernih centara.

Autor: Dominik Tomislav Vladić
Održan online sastanak EURAXESS...
Nacionalni sastanak EURAXESS mreže održan je 29. siječnja u organizaciji EURAXESS uslužnog centra u Zagrebu. Martina Kožul Kolarić, Voditeljica Odjela za EURAXESS i horizontalna područja Okvirnih programa EU, predstavila je aktivnosti Odjela za EURAXESS tijekom 2020. godine. Odjel  je svakodnevno pružao savjetodavnu pomoć korisnicima u svojstvu nacionalnih osoba za kontakt te kroz EURAXESS uslužni centar. U 2020. godini organizirali su niz informativnih dana, radionica/trening, online MSCA konferenciju te ciklus mentoringa.

"Karijere u akademskoj...
U okviru EURAXESS međunarodne mreže bit će održano "online" predavanje "Karijere u akademskoj zajednici: dobrobit i mentalno zdravlje mladih istraživača", koje će se održati 3. veljače 2021. u 10 sati (CEU). Gábor Kismihókis, stručnjak za upravljanje karijerom istraživača te predsjednik nedavno započete COST akcije za mentalno zdravlje istraživača, raspravit će o sljedećim pitanjima: Koji čimbenici tržišta rada u akademskim krugovima izazivaju dobrobit mladih istraživača? Kako će se ovo tržište rada razvijati u budućnosti? Hoćemo li izgubiti talentirane mlade ljude jer posao u akademskoj zajednici postaje neprivlačan, također zato što ugrožava dobrobit i mentalno zdravlje?

Autor: Dominik Tomislav Vladić
Istraživanje o uslugama karijernog...
Agencija za mobilnosti programe EU pokrenula je istraživanje o uslugama karijernog savjetovanja na visokim učilištima i znanstvenim institucijama u RH. Karijerne usluge usmjerene istraživačima u fokusu su EURAXESS mreže od 2015. godine te se od tada u sklopu projekata EURAXESS TOP III i aktualnog EURAXESS TOP IV, u kojima Agencija aktivno sudjeluje kao partner i voditelj radnih zadataka, istražuju različiti modeli pružanja karijernih usluga, modeli karijernih centara te karijerni alati namijenjeni istraživačima.

Otvoren natječaj za MSCA stipendije...
"EUTOPIA" stipendijski program za znanost i inovacije (EUTOPIA SIF) obavještava sve zainteresirane istraživače o otvorenom natječaju za MSCA stipendiju, otvorenom do 11. siječnja 2021. Inicijativu podupire Europska Komisija i partnerske institucije EUTOPIA SIF alijanse: Vrije Sveučilište u Brusselu, Sveučilište CY Cergy Pariz, Sveučilište u Gothenburgu, Sveučilište u Ljubljani, Sveučilište Pompeu Fabra i Sveučilište u Warwicku. EUTOPIA-SIF program koordinira Sveučilište CY Cergy Pariz. 

Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli službeno je pristupilo proceduri dobivanja „Human Resources Strategy for Researchers“ (HRS4R) logotipa u okviru EURAXESS programa. Europska Komisija je 12. listopada 2020. godine prihvatila inicijativu pulskog Sveučilišta za započinjanjem procedure, prihvativši u potpunosti svih 40 načela Deklaracije o pristupanju „Europskojpovelji za istraživače“ i „Kodeksu o zapošljavanju istraživača“.

Potpora pisanju i prijavi MSCA IF...
U okviru MSCA NCP Net4Mobility+ projekta objavljen je IF Handbook 2020 , dokument koji sadrži savjete za pisanje projektnog prijedloga na način da je svaki kriterij projektnog prijedloga dodatno objašnjen i uključuje najčešće komentare evaluatora. Dokument je dostupan na mrežnoj stranici Net4Mobility+ projekta . Hrvatski istraživači te hrvatske organizacije koje planiraju ove godine prijaviti IF mogu iskoristiti uslugu čitanja završnih verzija projektnih prijedloga. 

Predsjedavajuća konferencija „Marie Sklodowska – Curie Actions: Brain circulation and future jobs“ održat će se 19. lipnja 2020. u video formatu. Nakon što je konferencija, koja je trebala biti održana u Zagrebu 27. i 28. travnja 2020. godine, odgođena zbog situacije nastale razvijanjem i širenjem korona virusa (COVID-19), Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja, u suradnji s Agencijom za mobilnost i programe EU, odlučili su prilagoditi koncept konferencije na način da će biti digitalno održana.

Španjolska fondacija za znanost i tehnologiju (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology  - FECYT) sudjeluje u projektu „Korištenje znanosti za/u diplomaciju/i za globalne izazove“ koja podupire znanstvenu diplomaciju kao sredstvo za poticanje obveza EU prema ciljevima održivog razvoja. Jačanje kapaciteta znanstvene diplomacije među europskim istraživačima je glavni adut za ostvarenje tog cilja.

Sveučilište Complutense u Madridu (Španjolska)  traži  talentirane i ambiciozne postdoktorande/ice koji se žele prijaviti na natječaj Marie Skłodowska-Curie za dodjelu individualnih stipendija (MSCA IF).

MSCA stipendije u Luksemburgu –...
Tvrtka Luxinnovation iz Luksemburga objavljuje mogućnosti za Marie Curie Sklodowska Actions stipendiju s rokom prijave 1. svibnja 2020. godine za postdoktorande. Uvjeti prijave jesu odabir znanstvenog područja u kojem bi kandidat radio, dostavljen životopis te iskaz interesa. Nakon toga će kandidati prezentirati odabranim domaćinima istraživanje koje bi proveli u njihovoj organizaciji. Rok slanja životopisa i odabira područja istraživanja jest 1. svibnja 2020. godine na email adresu charles.betz@luxinnovation.lu.

Sveučilište u Padovi raspisuje MSCA...
Sveučilište u Padovi (Italija) poziva istraživače da se prijave na natječaj za Marie Sklodowska-Curie aktivnosti. Najbolji kandidati imat će priliku sudjelovati na „MSCA MaRaThoN - Master your Research and Training Needs“, trening programu za pisanje uspješnih projektnih prijava za naredne pozive. Tom će prilikom imati podršku međunarodnog ureda za istraživanje pri sveučilištu. Obzirom na trenutnu epidemiološku situaciju, trening će se u cijelosti održati „online“ kroz kombinaciju snimljenih tematskih videa, radionica o pisanju i obveznim „live stream“ predavanjima. Rok za prijave je 21. travnja do 13 sati. 

Autor: Dominik Tomislav Vladić
MSCA školarina u području znanosti o...
Istraživački centar za klimu i atmosferu - The Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) sa Instituta Cypar objavljuje poziv za stipendiranje u okviru „Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions“ programa. Riječ je o individualnim školarinama u području znanosti o klimi i atmosferi. 

Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli jučer je, 21. ožujka, dobilo priznanje Europske komisije za uspješnu primjenu Strategije ljudskih resursa za istraživače. Time je Sveučilište ostvarilo pravo korištenja loga HR Excellence in Research na svojim mrežnim stranicama i promotivnom materijalu. Pulsko je sveučilište treće hrvatsko sveučilište, nakon riječkog i zadarskog, koje je dobilo to priznanje.