Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost


Ass. Prof.  Marta Božina Beroš

1.     Božina, L.; Božina Beroš, M.. Monetarna politika-teorija i regulacija . Pula: Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, 2017 (textbook).

2.     Božina Beroš, M. Oversight of European Payment Systems: Operational Arrangements and Governance // Money, Payment Systems and the European Union - The Regulatory Challenges of Governance / Gimigliano, G. (ed.).
Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. pp. 130-152.

3.     Božina Beroš, M. Centralized Supervision in the Banking union: Institutional Framework and Governance // The EU Economic Environment Post-Crisis: Policies, Institutions, and Mechanisms / Benazić, Manuel ; Božina Beroš, M.; Gimigliano, G.; Novak, A.; Učkar, D. (eds.).
Pula : Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, 2016. pp. 139-151.

4.     Božina Beroš, M. Financijske institucije i tržišta Europske unije - regulacija i supervizija . Pula: Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, 2015 (textbook).

5.     Božina Beroš, M. Oversight of European Payment Systems: Operational Arrangements and Governance // Money, Payment Systems and the European Union - The Regulatory Challenges of Governance / Gimigliano, G. (pp.). Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. pp. 130-152.

6.     Božina Beroš, M. Centralized Supervision in the Banking union: Institutional Framework and Governance // The EU Economic Environment Post-Crisis: Policies, Institutions, and Mechanisms / Benazić, M.; Božina Beroš, M.; Gimigliano, G.; Novak, A.; Učkar, D. (eds.).

Pula : Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, 2016. pp. 139-151.

7.     Božina Beroš, M. A Narrative on regulatory paradigms in the EU: From integration to centralization // Economic policy today: political rhetoric or true reform / Krtalić, S.; Drejerska, N. (eds.). Pula : Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, 2015. pp. 51-73.

8.     Božina Beroš, M., Regulation and supervision of financial assets, transactions and markets in EU countries and Croatia, doktorska disertacija, Ekonomska fakulteta Univerza v Ljubljani, 2012.

9.     Božina Beroš, M., Financijska supervizija u Hrvatskoj – između dvije institucije i jednog europskog trenda, Ekonomski pregled 63(5-6): 352-371, 2012.

10.   Božina Beroš, M., Financijski sustav EU u novom desetljeću, Računovodstvo i financije, 2: 189-193, 2011.

11.   Božina Beroš, M, Europe's regulatory reform after the crisis – a macroprudential perspective, Columbia Journal of European Law, 16 (online), 2010.

12.   Božina Beroš, M., Svjetska financijska kriza, Izvještaj De Larosiere, i europska financijska regulativa, Računovodstvo i financije, 7:163-168, 2010.

13.   Božina Beroš, M., Promjene u europskom sustavu osiguranja depozita – perspektiva nakon svjetske financijske krize, Računovodstvo i financije, 11:237-242, 2010.



Prof. Ines Kersan-Škabić

1.     Kersan-Škabić, I.; Tijanić, L.. Regional absorption capacity of EU funds. // Economic research - Ekonomska istraživanja. 30 (2017) , 1.

2.     Kersan-Škabić, I. Participation in global value chain and external imbalances in the EU // Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Currency, Banking and International Finance, Challenges for Financial Sector of CEE Countries in Overcoming Problems of Economic Integration in the EU / Kotlebova, J. (ed.). Bratislava: University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of National Economy, Department of Banking and International Finance, 2017. 128-138.

3.     Kersan-Škabić, I.. Is There a Debt-Overhang Problem in the European Union? // Economic Imbalances and Institutional Changes to the Euro and the European Union (International Finance Review / Mirdala, R.; Canale, R. R. (eds.). UK : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017. pp. 277-303

4.     Kersan-Škabić, I. The causality between financialization and economic growth in Central and Southeast European countries // The EU Economic Environment post crisis: policies, institutions and mechanisms / Benazić, M.; Božina Beroš, M.; Gimigliano, G.; Novak, A.; Učkar, D. (eds.). Pula : Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, 2016. pp. 225-238.

5.     Kersan-Škabić, I. Public debt and interest rate spread in the European Union. // Argumenta Oeconomica. 36 (2016.) , 1; 5-29.

6.     Kersan-Škabić, I. Empirical Evidence of Capital Mobility in the EU New Member States. // Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business. 19 (2016) , SCI; 29-42.

7.     Kersan-Škabić, I. Is Internal Devaluation Policy in the EU Effective?. // Economic annals. LXI (2016) , 211; 29-46

8.     Kersan-Škabić, I. Capital mobility in the EU new member states // "An Enterprise Odyssey: Saving the Sinking Ship through Human Capital" / Galetić, L. ; Načinović Braje, I. i Jaković, B. (ed.). Zagreb: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2016. 577-586.

9.     Kersan-Škabić, I. The Role of Investment Promotion Agencies in Attracting Foreign Direct Investments in the Southeast European Countries. // Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences. 23 (2015) , 1; 15-24.

10.   Kersan-Škabić, I. The Rationale and Implications of Internal Devaluation in the New Member States of EU. // International Journal of Economic Perspectives. 9 (2015) , 4; 77-93.

11.     Kersan-Škabić, I. The Importance of Corporate Taxation for FDI Attractiveness of Southeast European Countries. // Panoeconomicus. 62 (2015) , 1; 105-122.

12.   Kersan-Škabić, I. Pros and cons of internal devaluation in the EU // Economic and Social Development ; 11th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – Building Resilient Society - Book of Proceedings / Vuletic, A. ; Vlahov, R.D. ; Pihir, I. (eds.). Zagreb : Varazdin Development and Entreprene rship Agency, Varazdin, Croatia University North, Koprivnica, Croatia, 2015. 302-311.

13.   Kersan-Škabić, I. Croatian Wood Industry – clusters, competitiveness and perspectives of development in the framework of European Union membership. // Poslovna izvrsnost. 8 (2014) , 2; 57-76.

14.   Kersan-Škabić, I. Testing the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle in the CEE countries // Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Currency, Banking and International Finance. The role of financial sector in supporting the economic recovery of CEE countries / Horvatova, E. and Kotlebova, J. (eds.).
Bratislava : EKONOM, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2014. 178-188.

15.   Kersan-Škabić, I; Tijanić, L. Statistički i perceptivni indikatori u mjerenju konkurentnosti država članica Europske unije // Konkurentnost, ekonomski rast i blagostanje / Cini, V.; Borozan, Đ. i Ferenčak, I. (eds). Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku, 2014. 195-213.

16.   Kersan-Škabić, I. The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Indebtedness of the Southeast European Countries // Financial Aspects of Recent Trends in the Global Economy / Rajmund Mirdala (ed.). Craiova, Romania : ASERS Publishing, 2013.. pp. 251-264.

17.   Kersan-Škabić, I. Ekonomija Europske unije. Pula : Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Odjel za ekonomiju i turizam, 2012 (textbook).

18.   Kersan-Škabić, I. The Impact of the Financial Crisis and External Sector Imbalances on the Economic Growth of Central and East European Countries // Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Currency, Banking and International Finance-How does the Central and Eastern Europe cope up with the global financial crisis? / Kotlebova, Jana (ur.). Bratislava : Ekonomicka univerzita v Bratislave, 2012. 108-118.

19.   Kersan-Škabić, I. Challenges of Eurozone Functioning in Terms of Global Economic Crisis // Toward Global Convergence / Božina, L., Gonan Božac, M., Krtalić, S. (eds.). Pula : Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, 2011. pp. 219-247.

20.   Kersan-Škabić, I; Varga, S. The Attitudes of Croatian Students About the Mobility // Conference Proceedings, The 5th International Scientific Conference "Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomic Management: Reflections on the World in Turmoil" / Afrić Rakitovac; K., Šugar, V.; Bevanda, V. (eds.). Pula : Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Odjel za ekonomiju i turizam, 2011. 320-348.

21.   Kersan-Škabić, I.; Tomić, D. Recognizing Euroscepticism in Croatia- study upon a student population. // Ekonomska istraživanja. 22 (2010) , 4; 100-117.


Prof. Sandra Krtalić

1.     Economic Policy Today: Political Rhetoric or a True Reforme / Krtalić, S.; Drejerska, N. (eds.). Pula: Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Fakultet ekonomije i turizma Dr. Mijo Mirković, 2015.

2.     Krtalić, S., Žgomba, B. Analysis of the tax wedge in the Republic of Croatia // The EU economic environment post-crisis: Policies, Institutions and Mechanisms / Benazić, M., Božina Beroš, M., Gimigliano, G., Novak, A., Učkar, D. (eds.). Pula : Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, 2016. pp. 59-79.

3.     Krtalić, S.; Benazić, M. Is there Evidence of Wagner's Law in Croatia // Economic Policy Today: Political Rhetoric or a True Reforme / Krtalić, S. ; Drejerska, N. (eds.). Pula : Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, 2015.. pp. 105-131.

4.     Krtalić, S., Ignjatić, B. 2013. The dynamics of public spending, in: “The Future of Economics: Between Rules and Discretion”, Ribnikar, I., Gonan Božac, M. (ur.). Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula, pp. 47.-75., ISBN: 978-961-6825-73-3

5.     Krtalić, S., Šetić, E. 2013. Tax implications of using transfer pricing, 2nd International Conference Economic and Social Development, Book of Proceedings, Davor Filipovic and Anita Goltnik Urnaut (eds). Paris, France, Varazdin development and Entrepreneurship Agency, Croatia, Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences, Celje, Slovenia, pp. 443.-453., ISBN 978-961-6825-73-3

6.     Krtalić, S., Borovčak Škreblin, B. 2011. Aspects of fiscal decentralisation in crOATIA, Conference Proceedings vol. 2: 5th International Scientific Conference “Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomic Management: Reflections on the World in Turmoil” / Afrić Rakitovac, K., Bevanda, V., Šugar, V. (ur.), Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula, pp. 1126.-1152., ISBN: 978-953-7498-43-6

7.     Krtalić, S., Kelebuda, M. 2010. The role of the public-private partnership in providing of public goods: possibilities and constraints, 5th International Conference ICES, Conference Proceedings “Economic Development Perspectives of SEE Region in the Global Recession Context", Trivun, Veljko (ur.), University of Sarajevo, School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo, Sarajevo, pp. 1.-19., ISBN: 978-9958-25-046-0

8.     Krtalić, S., Grdović Gnip A. 2011. The twin deficits hypothesis: Empirical evidence from Croatia, in: book: Toward global governance / Krtalić, S., Božina, L., Gonan Božac, M., eds., Pula: Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula, pp. 245.-273., ISBN: 978-953-7498-46-7

9.     Krtalić, S., Grdović Gnip A. 2010. Fiskalni izazovi u globaliziranom okružju/ Fiscal challenges in the globalization framework, u: “Financije u vrtlogu globalizacije”, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, OET Dr. Mijo Mirković, Pula, str. 120.-154., ISBN: 975-953-7498-27-6


Ass. Prof. Lela Tijanić

1.     Kersan-Škabić, I.; Tijanić, L.. Regional absorption capacity of EU funds. // Economic research - Ekonomska istraživanja. 30 (2017) , 1;

2.     Tijanić, L; Obadić, A. Can We Boost the Competitiveness of the European Union through Reducing Regional Inequalities in Human Capital?. // Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics. 26 (2015) , 3; 295-305

3.     Lacmanović, S.; Blažević Burić, S.; Tijanić, L..The Socio-Economic Costs of Underemployment // MIC 2016: Managing Global Changes Proceedings of the Joint International Conference Organised by University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Slovenia, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism, Croatia, Moscow State University, Moscow School of Economics, Russian Federation, Association for the Study of East European Economies and Cultures, USA, and Society for the Study of Emerging Markets, USA Pula, Croatia / Laporšek, S. ; Gomezelj O., Doris (eds.). Koper, Slovenia : University of Primorska Press, 2016. 331-346.

4.     Tijanić, L.; Obadić A. Regional Competitiveness of the European Union // 4. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij Gospodarstvo istočne Hrvatske - vizija i razvoj (4th International Scientific Symposium Economy of Eastern Croatia - Vision and Growth) / Mašek Tonković, A. (ed.). Osijek : Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku, 2015. 768-777.

5.     Kersan-Škabić, I. i Tijanić, L. (2014): The Influence of Foreign Direct Investments on Regional Development in Croatia, Croatian Economic Survey, 16 (2), pp. 59-90.

6.     Kersan-Škabić, I. i Tijanić, L. (2014): Regional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investments in Croatia, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, Speciall Issue (2014), pp. 70-89.

7.     Kersan-Škabić, I. i Tijanić, L. (2014): Statistički i perceptivni indikatori u mjerenju konkurentnosti država članica Europske unije. U: Cini, V., Borozan, Đ. i Ferenčak, I., eds. Konkurentnost, ekonomski rast i blagostanje. Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku, Osijek, pp. 195-213.

8.     Obadić A. i Tijanić, L. (2014): Multivariate analysis of the Croatian clusters, Economic Research – Ekonomska istraživanja, 27 (1), pp. 120-133.

9.     Tijanić, L. (2013): „Utjecaj produktivnosti rada na regionalnu konkurentnost u Europskoj uniji“, Zagreb: Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Poslijediplomski sveučilišni (doktorski) studij iz ekonomije i poslovne ekonomije. Rad je obranjen 3. srpnja 2013.

10.   Tijanić, L. (2011): Klasteri u Europskoj uniji - primjeri za budući razvoj klastera. U: Kersan-Škabić, I. i Afrić Rakitovac, K., eds. Klasteri i gospodarski potencijali Istarske županije. Pula: Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Odjel za ekonomiju i turizam „Dr. Mijo Mirković“, Pula, pp. 59-90.


Ass. Prof. Daniel Tomić

1.     Stjepanović, S.; Tomić, D.; Škare, M. A New Approach to Measuring Green GDP ; A Cross-country Analysis. // The International Journal Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. 4 (2017) , 4; 574-590.

2.     Tomić, D.; Stjepanović, S. Business cycles synchronization within the EU countries: the spectral analysis // Economic and Social Development / Yongqiang, L.; Hunjet, A.; Rončević, A. (eds.). Varaždin : Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, Varazdin, Croatia ; City of Prague ; Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland ; University North, Koprivnica, Croatia, 2017.

3.     Tomić, D. An alternative approach to the trade dynamics in Croatia // Economic and Social Development / Milković, M. ; Kozina, G. ; Primorac, D. (ur.).
Varaždin : Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, Varazdin and Croatia University North, Koprivnica, Croatia, 2016. 52-62.

4.     Tomić, D.; Stjepanović, S. Forecasting Capacity of ARIMA Models ; A Study on Croatian Industrial Production and its Sub-sectors. // Zagreb international review of economics & business. 20 (2017) , 1; 81-99.

5.     Tomić, D. A more complex approach to the terms of trade dynamics ; the case of Croatia // The EU economic environment post-crisis: policies, institutions and mechanisms / Benazić, M.; Božina Beroš, M. ; Gimigliano, G.; Novak, A.; Učkar, D. (eds.). Pula : Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, 2016. pp. 95-108.

6.     Škare, M.; Benazić, M.; Tomić, D. On the neutrality of money in CEE (EU member) states: A panel cointegration analysis. // ACTA OECONOMICA. 66 (2016) , 3; 393-418.

7.     Tomić, D. An alternative approach to the trade dynamics in Croatia. // Journal of Economic and Social Development. 3 (2016) , 2; 16-28.

8.     Škare, M.; Tomić, D. Business cycle - growth nexus: a review. // Technological and Economic Development of Economy. 21 (2015) , 3; 519-538.

9.     Benazić, M.; Tomić, D. The evaluation of fiscal and monetary policy in Croatia over a business cycle. // Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci : časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu. 32 (2014) , 1; 75-99.

10.  Škare, M.; Tomić, D. Examining the Link between Innovation, Productivity and Growth: a Global View. // Amfiteatru Economic Journal. XVI (2014) , 36; 606-624.

11.  Tomić, D. What information technology meant for economic prosperity of USA, Japan and Germany?. // Journal of Economic and Social Development. 1 (2014), 2; 86-100.

12.   Benazić, M.; Tomić, D. Monetary policy and business cycles in Croatia // The Future of Economics: Between Rules and Discretion / Gonan Božac, M.; Ribnikar I. (eds.). Pula : Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, 2013. pp. 151-179.

13.   Benazić, M.; Tomić, D. Monetary policy and business cycles in Croatia // The Future of Economics: Between Rules and Discretion / Gonan Božac, M. ; Ribnikar I. (eds.).
Pula : Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, 2013. pp 151-179.

14.   Benazić, M.; Tomić, D. The evaluation of fiscal and monetary policy in Croatia over a business cycle. // Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci : časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu. 32 (2014), 1; 75-99.

15.   Kersan-Škabić, I.; Tomić, D. Recognizing Euroscepticism in Croatia- study upon a student population. // Ekonomska istraživanja. 22 (2010) , 4; 100-117.

16.   Tomić, D.; Kenjereš, M. New Insights in Business Cycle Coherence ; Empirical Evidence from Slovenia // Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Organizational Science Development / Doucek, P.; Novak, A., Paape B. (eds.). Kranj : Moderna organizacija v okviru UM Fakultete za organizacijske vede, 2015. 1150-1161.

17.   Tomić, D. Technological Innovation, Productivity and Growth // Eastern European ESD Conference: Business Continuity / Bendeković, J.; Klacmer Calopa, M.; Filipović, D. (eds.).
Varaždin : Varaždin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, 2014. 95-107.

18.   Tomić, D.; Ivanović, I. A comparison of the budget deficit in Croatia and selected countries // Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Organizational Science Development: FOCUS 2020 / Balantič, Z. ; Ferjan, M. ; Kljajić Borštnar, M. ; Leskovar, R. ; Marič, M.; Pucihar, A. (eds.).
Kranj : Moderna organizacija v okviru UM Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, 2014. 707-717.

19.   Tomić, D.; Tijanić, L. Approaches and methods of clustering in the case of Croatia // New technologies, new challenges. Kranj : Moderna organizacija, 2009. 1492-1500.


Assoc. Prof. Dean Učkar

1.     Benazić, M.; Učkar, D. Macroeconomic determinants of unemployment in Croatia: Subset VEC model // Economic and Social Development / L. Yongqiang, A. Hunjet, A. Roncevic (eds.). Prague: Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, Varazdin, Croatia City of Prague University North, Koprivnica, Croatia Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2017. 314-325

2.     Učkar, D. Problems of estimating the cost of capital in emerging markets // Conference Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Organizational Science Development "Sustainable Organization" / Doucek, P.; Novak, A.; Paape, B. (eds.). Kranj : University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, 2016. 1285-1294

3.     Radman Peša, A.; Učkar, D. Assessing financial integration of the SEE countries (Bulgaria and Croatia) with the EU // The EU Economic Environment Post-Crisis: Policies, Institutions and Mechanisms / Benazić, M. ; Božina Beroš, M.; Gimigliano, G.; Novak, A. ; Učkar, D. (eds.). Pula : Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, 2016

4.     Učkar D.; Benazić M. The impact of financial markets on the economic growth of the new European Union (EU) countries: A panel cointegration analysis // The EU Economic Environment Post-Crisis: Policies, Institutions And Mechanisms / Benazić M.; Božina Beroš M. ; Gimigliano G. ; Novak A.; Učkar D. (eds.). Pula : Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, 2016. pp. 205-223.

5.     Učkar, D.; Grgić, J. Specifičnosti financiranja sektora malih i srednjih poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj i usporedba sa stanjem u Europskoj uniji // Aktualni problemi i izazovi razvoja financijskog sustava / Stojanović, A.; Šimović, H. (eds.). Zagreb : Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Ekonomski fakultet, 2016. pp. 229-249.

6.     Učkar, D. „Behavioral elements in capital structure management“, Proceedings of the International Conference of the School of Economics and Business „Beyond the Economic Crisis: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead“, University of Sarajevo, School of Economics and Business, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 12-13, 2012., pp. 1-10.

7.     Učkar, D. „Impact of behavioral finance on the Croatian capital market“, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference „Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomic Management: Reflections on the World in Turmoil“ (ur. Afrić Rakitovac, K.; Šugar, V.; Bevanda, V.), Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Department of Economics and Tourism „Dr. Mijo Mirković“, Pula, March 24-26, 2011., pp. 570-582.

8.     Benazić, M.; Učkar, D. „Asset prices channel of monetary transmission in the Republic of Croatia“ u „Toward Global Governance“ (ed. Božina, L.; Gonan Božac, M.; Krtalić, S.), Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula, 2011., pp. 187-215.

9.     Učkar, D. „Utjecaji globalizacijskih promjena na optimizaciju kapitalne strukture“ u „Financije u vrtlogu globalizacije“ (ur. Krtalić, S. i Benazić, M.), Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Odjel za ekonomiju i turizam „Dr. Mijo Mirković“, Pula, 2010., pp. 191-218.