Submission of Abstracts and Papers

In order to submit abstract and/or final paper first create an EasyChair user account (you will receive an e-mail to activate your user account):

After obtaining an user account please:  

  1. Go to the FET2017 Conference EasyChair page
  2. Press the "New Submission" button to open the submission form
  3. By clicking on the link "click here to add yourself" your personal and contact data will be added to the correct author position (author 1, author 2, author 3). You can add additional authors here.
  4. The title, the abstract and keywords should be entered as plain text and not uploaded as a document (only final paper can be uploaded as a file).
  5. After filling out the form, press the 'Submit' button once.



Abstracts should be written in English and should contain approximately 300 words, with 3 to 6 keywords. Abstracts should contain a clear indication of the purpose of the research, the approach used, the major results and the implications to be described in the full paper. Please, do not attach any files in the EasyChair submission form as this tool will be used to upload the final paper.

Full paper

Submissions of final papers have to be written according to the following instructions:

·  The paper should be written in English. The author is responsible for language editing.

·  The submitted paper with all supplements (including an abstract, bibliography, references, tables and graphs) cannot be less than 5000 and exceed more than 7000 words).

·  The paper is to be typed in Microsoft Word for Windows:

o   B5  format (27,5 x 18,2 cm);

o   margins all 2.5 cm;

o   letter-quality type Times New Roman, font size 11pt, except for the paper title 12pt (bold);

o   tables, figures and footnotes all 10pt.
